How do I know my life is secure with God?
"Robin, you have struck a chord that is in every woman's heart. "Do I really matter?" Thank you for the truth that God says, 'Yes, you are worth it all!'"
-- Mary Owen, co-author of Witness

Can a woman have a truly secure heart after experiencing the depths of despair—whether abuse, addiction, adultery or alcoholism? What if she's found herself in situations that have tested her view of herself and God—sickness, sorrow, temptation or extended singlehood? And can a woman ever truly feel beautiful?
Here's the good news! The answer for all of the questions of a woman's heart is the very nature of God—not only acknowledging who God is, but also learning how to live in the light of his nature.
This isn't a transformation that takes place overnight. Rather it's a journey. Ready to get started on your own journey towards overcoming insecurity? A great place to begin is to read an excerpt from the book. Or, browse a full list of scriptures on insecurity found in Secure in Heart.
Check out what's new on!
- Phawnta's Story - Read about how one women moved past an abusive childhood to find her true beauty in God.
- New questions and answers - Check out Robin's responses to a question about "online adultery" and more.
- The latest Cup of Security - Learn a lesson in flying from your Father — and take your faith in Him to new heights!
So, get a cup of hot tea and stay for awhile! You'll find over 100 pages of resources, along with answers to your most intimate questions. Whatever your story, we'd love to hear from you!
Join with other women to overcome insecurity!
Women around the world are using Secure in Heart for book clubs, midweek services and small group Bible studies. At Secure in Heart Women's Days women are gathering in large numbers to hear about the beautiful legacy of being a woman!
Do You Ever Wonder...
Am I enough?
Who can I count on?
Will I be rescued?
Will I be successful?
Who will protect me?
What will others think of me?
Will I be alone?
Join women across the United States and abroad; teenagers to grandmothers; single, married, divorced and single parents, who are all finding a new path to security of heart.
Book Testimonials
Speaking Testimonials
Book Reviews
Cup of Security
Life Between Nests
Flying lessons, Part Four
Robin Weidner, October 2010
It’s been ten weeks since you made your first flight. As you’ve learned to fly, you’ve stayed near the nest, still depending on the great eagle for some of your food. One day after you make a long flight over a river, the great eagle lands beside you. Opening her wings, she uses her powerful legs to spring upward, spreading her wings to take flight.
Imitating her actions, you soon follow behind, your eyes on the great eagle... Keep reading!
For more articles on security and purity, check out the Cup of Security Archive! |
Overcome Insecurity in Marriage
Read these two series of articles (written by Robin and her husband Dave) on the Focus on the Family website: The Overcoming Marriage and Building a Pure Marriage.