
Featured Story — Wendy’s Story
Diana Bahula, Toronto, Canada
Wendy began visiting the downtown region of our church and initiated getting together to get help with her relationship with God. She has been a Christian for a number of years, but has struggled with her faith and had stopped going to church at various times.
We began meeting together to talk and Wendy identified her struggle as insecurity. Amazingly, I had just finished reading, Secure in Heart–Overcoming Insecurity in a Woman’s Life and suggested that we read it together. She readily agreed. Wendy opened up about her past, about the challenges she has faced, and how it has affected her. The book helped her to find answers and to grow more deeply in love with God.
Recently, in a women’s midweek class, she shared her thoughts from Chapter 4, “Knowing God: The Key to a Secure Heart” and her battle for a secure heart. She shared about a recent incident that she experienced in the fellowship, at church, where her conversation with a sister was interrupted and she was ignored. She shared how it made her feel “invisible,” like she didn’t matter, and how she felt angry to the point that she couldn’t go to church the next week, an all too familiar pattern for her.
But she made the decision to talk about it with a friend who helped her. By opening up with all of us in the class, she felt the support of the whole group and found out that she was not alone in her struggle, but that other sisters battled the same insecurity. Her vulnerability was very touching and tears were shed by sisters who applauded her courage.
Wendy left that night glowing. She continues to grow in her confidence and God is being glorified in her life. It has been exciting, watching her change and seeing the impact that she is having on all of us.
When I asked Wendy if I could share her story, she replied: “I would be honored to have you share my story…feel free to share anything about me, including my background. It might help people see where my insecurity came from and I’m sure there’ll be women who can relate. Thank you so much!”

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