We recently asked members of a Soup and Security group in Manteca, California to share a little bit about what they're learning from Secure in Heart. See what they had to say below!
Why did you begin this particular study?
What have you learned about security in Christ so far?
What chapter, paragraph, statement, etc. really stuck out to you in what you've read so far and why?
Is this study helping you grow in your relationship with God and would you recommend it to a friend?
Why did you begin this particular study?
Monica C., 43: As a Christian, I realized I understood my identity in Christ but struggled in my security. I wasn’t completely sure if there was a difference until I read Secure in Heart.
Geri B., 44: Because God worked it out. It was on a night that my husband has band practice and I was usually home alone watching TV.
Jennifer G., Mid-20’s: I joined this study because I had been going through a very rocky time and I knew that I needed to do something before I got worse. In a cry of desperation, I prayed that God would help me get through this rough time and sure enough in a couple of days, I received the email about this Bible study and I knew this was one of the ways God was answering my prayers.
Christine B., 24: I joined this study because I struggle with issues and insecurities from my past (from before I was a Christian) that still hinder my walk with God and make me question who I am today. When I heard about this study, I immediately felt God saying, yes Christine, this is for you.
Bridgette C., 36: Honestly, just because Monica asked. I have participated in two studies that she has done prior. I always learn a lot and thoroughly enjoy the studies. But she had previously told me about the book, and it did certainly sound like something I could stand to grow from. So when it came time to do it I was absolutely on board.
Lorene B., 55: I needed to be in a Bible study, since it's been awhile. Secure in Heart seemed to be speaking to me, now that I have been recently engaged to be married. I needed to know the areas I need the Lord to help with. To get a firm foundation in His Word about the security offers me.
Cindy S., 24: Friends invited me to join with them, and I thought it would be interesting. I struggle with insecurities at times, and thought this would be a good study.
What have you learned about security in Christ so far?
Monica: I’m learning that many of the things I felt secure in, were really false securities Satan has set up for me to draw me away from God instead of closer to Him. The way the author sets up the comparisons of God’s security verses Satan’s false securities has really helped me understand the difference.
Geri: That God will never let me down. Anything I am going through He is always there. There are times I forget and start to feel like I am not good enough but in Christ's eyes I am His child and He will always love me. People will let me down or say unkind things to me but Christ is always there to lift me up and because of Him I am special.
Jennifer: That I have it! And I am perfect in his eyes and he loves me so much that there is no need for my stinkin' thinkin'.
Bridgette: Trust and patience are mandatory in order to ever have a chance to move forward in our security in Christ. As well, I have come to understand the difference between believing Him and trusting him. There are surely not one and the same.
Lorene: That all women share the same temptation to feel insecure in our relationships and God provided a answer through His promises in Christ.
Cindy: Security in Christ is something I have to be constantly aware of and make an effort to keep my security in Christ. I've learned to better recognize the attacks of Satan, and pray God's power in my life.
What chapter, paragraph, statement, etc. really stuck out to you in what you've read so far and why?
Monica: Everything in this book comes down to the one phrase the author mentions early, on. It’s time to engage in battle. Having that clear reminder is making a huge difference for me in my pursuit of security.
Geri: On page 87 where God is asking "Do you believe I am wise?", "What does my wisdom mean for all those situations you are fretting about?" and "Is there any reason for you to be so anxious if you trust in my wisdom?" I have to remember to solely trust in God. I tend to think about situations a lot and figure out every possible way they could turn out from the worst scenario to the best but I usually focus on the worst. I need to believe and trust that God is in control and He wants what is best for me. Also on page 100 about the Gangsta Girlz. That helped me with a situation I am going through with some young girls from Louisiana. It made me see them differently. They don't want to be bad they want to be loved and accepted.
Jennifer: I love the chart on page 107 because I experience a lot of Satan's lies whispering in my head daily and it is nice to have God's words right there so that I know exactly what he says, so that I can rely on him more instead of beating myself up with Satan's whispers.
Christine: On page 37 you stated that “Insecurity is the path Satan uses to try to distract, discourage, and disparage us in our true destiny as God’s daughters. And through insecurity, Satan seeks to impose a self-consciousness that causes us to look to others to try and find our worth.” This really hit home for me. It made me so mad at Satan! Ever since I was a teenager, I looked to guys to find my self-worth. It took me almost 10 years to finally tear away from that thinking and seek God. And because I was so dependent on my boyfriends for my self-worth, I still have trouble at times now turning away from that mode of thinking and seeking only God and His word for my self-worth. And when I read that statement in your book, I felt a deep hatred for Satan for making me feel that way, for wanting to keep me from being secure in Christ. And so when I read the phrase in your book about, “engaging in the battle,” I felt a confidence that I haven’t felt in a while. I feel like it’s a battle for me every day to fight my insecurities. I like thinking that I am fighting Satan from making me insecure. Every time I start worrying about what my boyfriend is thinking about me, I immediately pray and ask God to take away those thoughts. And when He does, I laugh in Satan’s face… ha-ha, you can’t control me anymore!!
Bridgette: I would have to say Chapter 3: All that Glitters - Unmasking False Securities. I have always tried to remain aware on my challenges. However, this chapter put a spin on things. There were things that through the breakdown of question versus Satan's 666 Security, I now had to say Hmm? Prior to this chapter I didn’t recognize the issues that I face for what they were. I had them generalized in general categories. Not so much really identifying what the core was. This chapter shed a lot of light on my perception. It was a very helpful and beneficial chapter (as have been all so far.)
Lorene: Chapter 2, page 49 says we are engaging a battle and Robin tells the bottom line is that knowing that the resurrection of Jesus, that I have been equipped I need to do His will. That took a lot of pressure off me to be perfect and perform for people in order to feel secure. To God be the Glory!
Cindy: "In the same way Satan has a way of coming at me when I least expect it. And just as in battle , if I drop my sword, the word of God, Satan picks it up and pursues me with it, making me afraid of the very Scriptures that give me life." pg. 46.
God spoke a peace into my life at this point. I struggled with some things this last year, things I didn't want to talk to God about because I was afraid of what He would tell me. I didn't want to surrender that part of my life, but I would still read my Bible, and the times I did, Satan would throw out and twist verses to tell me that God didn't want anything to do with me b/c I wasn't obeying him. My prayer these last few months has been that God would show me what was going on during this last year, and why I went through what I did. When I read this passage, God spoke to me in that instant and said, "That wasn't me". Slowly God has been "romancing" me and showing me how loving and merciful He is.
Is this study helping you grow in your relationship with God and would you recommend it to a friend?
Monica C.: I read this book through once without answering the questions at the end of each chapter, just to get an overview. Now, I’m going through it page by page with a group of women in a weekly study in my home. As we gather weekly, I find myself answering every question and soaking up every ounce of God’s truth about my personal security in Him and growing better for it. I truly believe that Secure in Heart is an anointed tool that God is using to teach me and the other women about our true security in Him. I not only have recommended it to a number of friends but am certain I will hold this book study in my home again.
Geri B.: It is reinforcing a lot of things I already knew but I needed to be reminded of. I tend to try and solve things I want everyone to be happy. I need to realize that it's not up to me to make everyone happy. The only way people will be happy is if they have a relationship with the one who created happy. GOD. I would recommend this study.
Jennifer G.: Definitely and I already have and after I am done reading this book, I am looking forward to reading it a second time!
Christine B.: This study is definitely helping me grow in my walk with God. It is helping me to meditate on the fact that I have everything I need in Christ. More often now when I start becoming insecure about something, I try to stop and ask myself, is this a lie from Satan, or is it in line with God’s word? I would definitely recommend this book to a friend! Also, I would recommend that they study this book with a group of women. It is so nice feeling like I'm not the only one who struggles with insecurities. I felt that the gals in our group bonded the minute we started sharing our insecurities with each other. Because of your book, and Monica opening her home to us for this study, I now have a new group of friends that I look forward to seeing and sharing with every Friday night.
Bridgette: Yes I feel it is helping me. Absolutely I would recommend it to a friend (and already have to more than one). I think the book provides keys that truly shed light on our understanding of certain aspects. Through clarity of understanding, I have been able to identify several aspects that I did not have a clear understanding of. Thus my perception was not on par and so I was off kilter a bit. But the focus is coming back and as I see more clearly, I am being steered back in the right direction.
Lorene: Not only would I recommend it to a friend, but I believe it's a study I should do yearly, to keep this revelation fresh and alive in my heart and mind.
Cindy: God has been using this study to bring me closer to him and bring a more complete understanding of the things he has been teaching me these last two years. I did buy this book for another friend.
Read more about Monica's journey to finding security in Christ!